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and give your kids
Financial Superpowers

Teach your kids the value of money

in today’s digital world

CoinKids: Financial education app for kids

We prepare kids for a world where wallets are digital and spending is just a click away.

Your kids will build healthy financial habits and gain the knowledge and confidence to successfully manage their finances effectively in the future.

Financial Concepts tailored to your child's age

3 years

  • Curious about money
  • Understand money’s purpose for exchanging goods and services
  • Know the differences between needs vs. wants

5 years

  • Start developing their money personality
  • Understand that money can be borrowed
  • Care about the impact of their consumer and financial decisions

7 years

  • Form their money habits
  • Set personal financial goals
  • Make decisions to increase income and wealth
  • Take informed and assertive buying behaviours

9 years

  • Master habits like: planning, budgeting, borrowing and spending
  • Make sophisticated choices when comparative shopping
  • Take initiatives to build wealth

Why is financial education
important for kids?

Financial Education equips kids with the skills to navigate the complexity of money.

However, the financial concepts must be tailored to your child’s age and understanding.

These lessons learned today will pave the way for a responsible adulthood.

Financial Education for kids by age